Fantasy Puppet Theater
"But He Was Cool, or: he even stopped for green lights"
- "But He Was Cool, or: he even stopped for green lights"
by Haki Madhubuti (a.k.a. Don Lee)
- Performed on video by Fantasy Puppet Theater
At The National Museum of Puppetry Arts
Břetislavova 74, 537 60 Chrudim
"But He Was Cool, or: he even stopped for green lights"

National Museum of Puppetry Arts Břetislavova 74, 537 60 Chrudim
The exhibition UNI…WHAT? UNIMA! 90 Years | 100 Countries | 1 Passion was held from 25th of May to the 26th of June in the Gallery of the Czech Centres in Prague. During that time hundreds of people visited the exhibition – many of them were also visitors or participants at the Prague Quadrennial 2019- and were very excited how varied and beautiful the world puppetry can be. We managed to gather more than fifty videos from countries from all over the world where UNIMA has its centers. Thanks to your cooperation and effort we had the great pleasure to introduce the puppetry from your country to the wide public. The visitor could sit comfortably, chose a certain country on the tablet and project the videos on a big screen. We also displayed with the videos some items from our collection. Among them was exhibited a scenography from the famous production Eulenspiegel from the Czech theatre DRAK by the artist Frantisek Vitek, some art designs of UNIMA logo and puppets made by puppetry personalities who were active members of UNIMA or made significant contributions to its history, like Jacques Félix, Jan Wilkowski, Harro Siegel, Paul McPharlin, Jim Henson etc. We also published an accompanying book about UNIMA with the same name as the exposition. There were also some TV reports filmed at the exhibition place. We enumerate this information because we would like to show you, how important was your contribution and that we feel a big enthusiasm we could make the contact with you. We enclose some photographs and hope you will enjoy them too. The exhibition will be held again from October 2019 in Prachatice and then will be moved to our museum to Chrudim in 2020. It would be great if we could keep in contact with you. We are definitely interested in your new projects and we will be glad if you share them with us.
Best wishes from the Czech Republic
Eva Brabencova Curator
National Museum of Puppetry Arts Břetislavova 74, 537 60 Chrudim
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Marshall D. Katzman
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Updated On
November 2, 2024
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